Directory Opus 4 Research Project
Misc files
Source code
Directory Opus 4.17 Pre 21
(Beta Version)
  • few hits removed
  • DefIcons are used for adding icons under OS3.5+ (for non-defined filetype icons)
  • Iconify to buttons always open its window on Workbench instead of the default public screen.
  • ConfigOpus opens on DOpus screen if possible also when DOpus uses own screen
  • modified ANSI recognition in SmartRead function to understand CSI (0x9B) escaped codes
  • custom actions parse {} arguments for method "ARexx" too (it always worked for all other methods)
  • scrolling lister by character keys changed: now shifted keys are used to jump to a directory starting with the pressed key instead of jumping to a file.
  • new tooltype BEHINDWB (and -B CLI option) to prevent DOpus to popping up its screen. This allows to start it from WBStartup ready to use by just a screen switch.
  • fixed copy progress display in one-bar mode
  • Show function will use datatypes if it fails to load IFF file (it supports 24bit IFF files only through datatypes)
  • MouseWheel can be used to scroll drive and button banks
  • Dopus_Disk: Format supports PFS specific options
  • Dopus_Disk: Format supports SFS specific options
  • Dopus_Disk: Gadtools GUI
  • Library: - fixed LstrnCmpI() - path completion in DOpus (by HELP key) works again

Directory Opus 4.17 Pre 14
(Beta Version)
  • few hits removed
  • separate version with debug enabled (use it with Sushi/Sashimi tools to report bugs)
  • Rename function supports multiple asterisks
  • ConfigOpus: separate version with debug enabled (use it with Sushi/Sashimi tools to report bugs)
  • Library: separate version with debug enabled (use it with Sushi/Sashimi tools to report bugs)

Directory Opus 4.17 Pre 13
(Beta Version)
  • few hits removed
  • archive support improved
  • SkipAll/ReplaceAll refers to all selected directories
  • Rename button in the Replace requester
  • MakeLink command added
  • New MMB functions do not work if MMB hotkey is enabled.
  • Singe MMB click selects source lister.
  • New filetype action: MMB double-click (needs new ConfigOpus to configure).
  • Lister is not re-readed after CLONE function
  • Files and dirs copied from a listed archive have their original comment preserved
  • support for encrypted archives
  • CLI parameters template available through ? or HELP parameter when
  • starting from CLI
  • Files and dirs copied from a listed archive have their original datestamp and protection bits preserved
  • Filter works for selected files too
  • File viewer uses Gadtools for its GUI
  • Parent on directory tree returns to previous lister display
  • Query/Modify OutputCmd/OutputWindow Arexx commands work now
  • select pattern window allows selecting by file comment too.
  • viewer window will open even if it's coordinates do not match the screen
  • preliminary support for AmigaGuide help
  • it will quietly wait for all alien windows to close before closing its screen and terminating
  • preliminary datatypes support for Show function
  • cleaned up input handling code
  • 8SVX PAN chunk support added
  • AHI support for samples (modules are still played by inovamusic.library on audio.device). Put USEAHI tooltype in program's icon to enable it.
  • MODIFY SORTMETHOD and MODIFY SORTFLAGS perform the change without calling RESCAN (DISPLAYDIR is enough)
  • built-in function should work on double-clicked archive entries (were possible)
  • archive support added for functions: Show, IconInfo, Play, PlayST and LoopPlay
  • aborting file loading in HEX mode of the file viewer fixed.
  • QUERY/MODIFY functions fixed for some parameters
  • jumping to entry name starting with pressed key works for reverse sorted lister too
  • replaced built-in error messages with system ones
  • no longer warns about modified config after returning from ConfigOpus
  • printing empty directory should not cause Enforcer hits anymore
  • no source file is deleted on Move(As) operation when destination disk is full
  • Sort by extension option added to lister popup menu
  • GetEntry return code changed to empty string for incorrect parameters
  • lister popup menu removed for the DeviceList because of sorting problems
  • Relabel function fixed
  • Search function works on listed archives
  • name sorting mode can be selected in lister menu
  • archives should work on all filesystems again
  • command line length in generated scripts increased to 510 chars
  • lister popup menu rearranged
  • built-in key shortcuts to tiny buttons follow keymap settings
  • horizontal scroller of directory tree fixed
  • next copy of DOpus can be started if any of prevoiusly started copies are waiting for ConfigOpus to return.
  • file viewer window should fall back to fit screen size
  • remaining lister display options added to the lister menu
  • changing lister sort order does not require directory re-reading
  • cleaned up directory read procedure
  • directory buffers use LRU algorithm for clearing now
  • can open computed fonts again
  • fixed archive parser to be fully case-insensitive
  • Modify command correctly handles passed values
  • fixed auto-calculation of datestamp width in lister
  • Screen/window is not reopened if no config changes were made in the ConfigOpus.
  • AppMenu is used together with AppIcon if iconified to AppIcon.
  • supports a new option in ConfigOpus to turn off the quit requester.
  • progress window's title for Search and Hunt functions displays search pattern too.
  • (Hex/Ansi/Smart)Read commands no longer leave DOpus in busy state when used in ARexx scripts.
  • NewCli and SaveConfig commands parameters are supported now.
  • LoadStrings command is no longer supported (because of localization)
  • icons should be displayed by internal Show command again on OS3.5+
  • lister popup menu reenabled for device list (with Reverse option only)
  • MultiUser support
  • protection bits are not localizable anymore
  • reverse checkmark in lister pop-up menu should work correctly now
  • filesize is not cut anymore
  • clicking RMB on lister's parent button when there's root directory displayed enters device list.
  • allows lister column widths wider than 255 pixels
  • requires dopus.library 22.20+
  • ConfigOpus: "Operation/General/Single MMB click selects lister" option
  • ConfigOpus: support for MakeLink command
  • ConfigOpus: support for MMB-click filetype action
  • ConfigOpus: display fixes for fonts with width other than 8 (ie. XEN)
  • ConfigOpus: uses as an icon for "Drop a tool here" icon (if available)
  • ConfigOpus: Gadget "Okay" renamed to "Use" on main page
  • ConfigOpus: "Operation/General/Don't ask on quit" option added
  • ConfigOpus: If ConfigOpus works on its own screen then the window is centered on the screen
  • ConfigOpus: Save button saves and then quits the ConfigOpus.
  • ConfigOpus: DOpus public screens are filtered out from available screens on System/Screenmode page.
  • ConfigOpus: MultiUser support
  • ConfigOpus: allows saving default config (DirectoryOpus.defCFG)
  • ConfigOpus: allows lister column widths wider than 255 pixels
  • ConfigOpus: requires dopus.library 22.20+
  • DOpusRT: fixed MungWall/WipeOut hits
  • DOpusRT: code cleanup
  • DOpusRT: zeroed possibility of usage of uninitialized variables.
  • DOpusRT: rebuilt FindPath() to add missing Forbid()/Permit()
  • DOpus_Disk: removed some OS1.3 code
  • DOpus_Disk: localization updated
  • DOpus_Disk: can work as preloaded module again
  • DOpus_Print: fixed printing zero-length files and empty directories
  • DOpus_Print: fixed directory printing introduced in DirOpus4.16b3
  • Library: checkmark image background colors problem fixed.
  • Library: minor fixes
  • Library: localization added
  • Library: general cleanup
  • Library: converted fully to C
  • Library: assigning empty name no longer possible
  • Library: Enforcer hit in Assign() function removed
  • Library: truncated spaces after date string
  • Library: support for lister column width wider than 255 pixels

Directory Opus 4.16 Beta 4
(Beta Version)
  • supports "Copy archive bit too" option from ConfigOpus
  • filesize column in lister has auto-calculated width
  • fixed some display bugs in listers
  • fixed few Enforced hits introduced in 4.16b3
  • ConfigOpus: "Copy archive bit too" option in Operation/Copy to fully control A bit.
  • Dopus_Print: fixed directory printing introduced in DirOpus4.16b3

Directory Opus 4.16 Beta 3
(Beta Version)
  • Lister can use proportional font now. Note that the file size has width limit now and is right-aligned so don't set the width too low or you'll loose some digits from the beginning! The width for protection bits and date is calculated automatically so they always fit.
  • Performing Parent on root directory results in device list
  • "Operation/General/FileMaster-like Parent" switch - makes listers acting like Filemaster ones (Parent on RMB click). Older Parent/Root functions on window borders still work.
  • popupmenu support fixed
  • listers should work on partitions bigger than 2GB now

Directory Opus 4.16 Beta 2
(Beta Version)
  • listers should work on partitions bigger than 2GB now

Directory Opus 4.16 Beta 1
(Beta Version)
  • increased stack for external modules to 8kB
  • COPYAS/MOVEAS inside same directory do not leave lister contents inactual.
  • simplified font loading.
  • archive bit isn't copied anymore.
  • rearranged remove assign requester.
Directory Opus 4.16
(Public Release)
  • wheel mouse support for listers, Show function and internal file reader
  • copying zero-length files correctly sets file attributes of destination file.
  • replaced all calls to utility.library via dopus.library to direct ones.
  • 'Execute' added to command list in action definition.
  • Used-defined colors of menus should be always used now.
  • New look menus are always used.
  • new filetype recognition command "MatchI". It does exactly the same as "Match" but is case-insensitive.
  • '-X' CLI parameter to force opening xadmaster.library
  • use of '~' shortcut enabled in gadgets, drives and menus.
  • Relabel function works on device list too (only <VOL> entries) and uses dos.lib/Relabel() call instead of sending packets directly to filesystem.
  • fixed crash when dopus.library can't be opened.
  • File viewer shows loaded part of the file on user interrupt (by RMB).
  • Internal Assign function works on late (<DFR>) and non-binding (<NBD>) assigns too.
  • changed gadgets order in some requesters (moved ABORT to the rightmost position).
  • non-real-disk directorie (like archives) are not re-read automatically
  • ANSI render window is opened behind reader's window.
  • improved XAD support: copying directories is available now.
  • Size of empty directory is now shown as zero after GetSizes.
  • Menu colors should be correct now
  • 'Skip all' option added to COPY/MOVE file replace requester. WARNING: USE WITH CARE - NOT FULLY TESTED
  • DOpus appicon image is taken from program's icon instead of using hardcoded one
  • 'QUERY UpdateFlags' and 'QUERY ViewPlayFlags' commands support new ConfigOpus flags ('update lister while scanning' and 'view in window").
  • When starting DOpus can specify a directory which should be read into left lister overriding config file setting. Just put directory name in command line when starting from CLI or double-click directory's icon on WB with DOpus icon selected. Note that there's 29 chars limit for directory name.
  • Increased stack size for file viewer to 8kB.
  • Replaced CreateProc() with CreateNewProc calls. This fixes numerous problems with finding files when DOpus: assign isn't defined.
  • DiskInfo and MultiParent requesters get keyboard shortcuts from gadget names now.
  • Version requester localized
  • .STR file is no longer used in favor of dopus4.catalog
  • DOpusRT call uses quotes. This fixes a 'cannot start any external program if path to DOpus directory contains spaces' problem.
  • CLONE function requester names fixed.
  • NODOPUSASSIGN is obsolete now.
  • now you can exit from textviewer via RMB also when it uses Workbench screen
  • fixed a bug which caused a crash when FORCEOPENXAD tooltype wasn't defined and the user entered filename into path stringgadget.
  • filename sorting reverted back to DEC numbers
  • system-compliant localization
  • some preOS3.0 code removed
  • Fixed bug in quiting where if the stack was lowered crashed on exit.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting an assign could intermittently cause crashes because of an uninitialized pointer
  • Text view in window now opens on the same screen as directory opus 4.
  • Localized all hard coded english strings
  • Removed tooltype QUIETGETDIR and moved it to configuration (see ConfigOpus).
  • Removed "Quiet ReadDir" from the popup menu as its not something thats changed often. Its now in config.
  • Removed tooltype SIZEKMGMODE and moved it to configuration (see ConfigOpus).
  • Moved the Kilo/Mega/Giga mode in the popupmenu to a root level and renamed it "Size as K/M/G".
  • Rename now wont overwrite directories if you rename a directory and also shows different information (unlocalized as yet) depending on what is being renamed to what.
  • fixed SysInfo.library support (damn, I didn't know that OpenLibrary() is case-sensitive!)
  • fixed dead-lock when DOpus tried to read non-existing directory
  • assigns can be removed using DELETE function on device list entries.
  • fixed sorting by name code. '0A' is greater than '09' now.
  • fixed wrong VIEWONWB tooltype format description
  • preliminary archive support (uses XADMaster which has shareware status, register if you want to use it!). Supported functions: doubleclick (excluding defined filetypes), Copy(As), xxxRead, CheckFit(for files only!). Some other could work also but weren't tested. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! If you dare to test any then don't forget to tell me the result.
  • QUIETGETDIR and SIZEKMGMODE tooltypes added.
  • WB screen parameters can be changed when DOpus is running on its own screen (if DOpus is button/window-iconified it will be automatically uniconified)
  • sorting by name pays attention to leading 0's
  • removed some dead code, decreased memory usage a bit
  • internal SHOW function can display OS3.5 icons (only 16 RGB4 colors now).
  • some selected files weren't processed sometimes - fixed.
  • MAKEDIR function doesn't work on empty/devicelist/dirtree listers anymore.
  • File viewer can be opened on default public screen. Put VIEWONWB tooltype in program's icon to activate that mode. Define window size with VIEWWBLEFT, VIEWWBTOP, VIEWWBWIDTH and VIEWWBHEIGHT (default: 0, 0, 640, 200).
  • SysInfo.library support. Now DOpus can use that library for CPU usage estimating instead of internal meter. Note that the library requires Executive or SysMon to work. If none of them is running DOpus falls back to internal meter. To enable SysInfo support put USESYSINFO tooltype in its icon.
  • to open XADmaster.library on startup use FORCEOPENXAD tooltype (default: use only if already in memory)
  • some more fixes for long filenames (any still left?)
  • fixed DateStamp bug with filenames longer than 40 chars.
  • browsing linked directories works now.
  • preliminary link support
  • removed few dead assignments (from Jaroslav Pokorny's sources)
  • ARexx results can be bigger than 256 chars without trashing memory.
  • live lister prop update during reading a directory can be turned off (currently available only through lister popupmenu and not saved in config file)
  • NewIcons/Glowicons Support works 100% finally.
  • KB/MB/GB size display in lister (currently available only through lister popupmenu and not saved in config file)
  • ConfigOpus: new look menus switch removed
  • ConfigOpus: color fixes in menu edit screen.
  • ConfigOpus: existing keyboard shortcuts follow localization
  • ConfigOpus: removed all pre-OS3.x code
  • ConfigOpus: new filetype recognition command "MatchI". It does exactly the same as "Match" but is case-insensitive.
  • ConfigOpus: displaying '~' as a hotkey in ConfigOpus enabled.
  • ConfigOpus: Added configuration item: "System/View & Play/View in window". This replaces the old tooltype VIEWONWB which has now been removed. 0 in width or height equals maximum distance in that direction. Negative values are subtracted from the maximum available size. The window cannot be made smaller than 50 x 50.
  • ConfigOpus: Added a define (NODOPUSASSIGN) to enable using PROGDIR: instead of DOpus:
  • ConfigOpus: Localized all hard coded english strings
  • ConfigOpus: Added configuration item: "Operation/Update/Update listview slider while scanning". This replaces the old tooltype QUIETGETDIR which has now been removed.
  • ConfigOpus: Added configuration item: "Operation/List format/Show entries as K/M/G" which can be used to set the default display mode of the list for bytes or K/M/G. Each lister can be set independently.
  • dopus.library: some minor fixes.
  • dopus.library: optimized few functions
  • dopus.library: removed pre-OS3.x code
  • dopus.library: increased startup directory path size to 69 characters
  • dopus.library: automatic conversion of '~' hotkey in older config files
  • dopus.library: displaying '~' as a hotkey in ConfigOpus enabled.
  • dopus.Library: FindSystemFile() now checks in a user specified directory for files. This is to assist in the removal of the DOpus: assignment
  • dopus.library: replaced few functions with OS 2.0+ calls
  • dopus.library: some fixes for long filenames
  • DOpus_Print: some localization fixes
  • DOpus_Print: Powerpacker support removed (Paul Huxham).
  • DOpus_Disk: localization updated
  • DOpus_Disk: some fixes in key shortcuts and localization
  • DOpus_Icon: removed unused variable (Paul Huxham).

Directory Opus 4.15
(Public Release)
  • Long filenames do not trash copy/move/delete progress window
  • Sort popupmenu doesn't appear on device or buffer list
  • Sort popupmenu should allow multiselection now (but it doesn't probably due to popupmenu.library bug)
  • fixed bug in sort popup menu which caused incorrect active sorting mode marking
  • File viewer supports files longer than 65535 lines now
  • file viewer respects TABs
  • key shortcuts in file viewer are passed through keymap now so they should work correctly on non-QWERTY keyboards
  • U,D,T,B,S,P,Q key shortcuts in file viewer obey localization. X,J,N,C keys remained as they're not localizable.
  • in file viewer reading of the file can be aborted with RMB (checked every 128kB).
  • removed PowerPacker support completely (replaced by XFDMaster support)
  • XFDMaster.library is opened only when needed and if it has already been opened by another program. This prevents loading all decrunchers from libs:xfd/ directory. That feature can be overriden by setting FORCEOPENXFD tooltype in program's icon or -x (case important!) argument if started from CLI.
  • "Bring to front" option added to "DOpus already running" requester.
  • font screen opens with default width and height now
  • Disk modules don't open on new screen when started asynchronously and DOpus is working on its own screen.
  • Font and print screens don't require mode promotion on GFX cards anymore.
  • HUNT function do not show file names during scanning (only directories). This speeds it up a lot.
  • GetSizes functions do not show file names during scanning (only directories). This speeds it up a lot.
  • 68060 FPU should be correctly reported now.
  • minor corrections to iconify code (WB change during ButtonIconify or WindowIconify still doesn't work!)
  • Increased maximum displayed file name characters to 64.
  • Re-enabled DOPUS:libs/dopus.library search path for main program
  • Default pattern for file selection by date is current day.
  • Increased room for filesize in lister from 7 to 9 digits (Pavel Cizek)
  • Removed 16 color limit for custom DOpus screen. DOpus still uses upto 16 colors for its GUI.
  • DosType in DiskInfo function returns correct value for non-standard filesystems.
  • removed lots (all?) pre-OS3.0 conditional code
  • ConfigOpus: removed bug in command list (the list was too long)
  • fixed incorrect displaying free space in K/M/G on titlebar for K's
  • support for partitions bigger than 2GB
  • corrected system alert if DOpus is started under too old kickstart
  • Search function in file viewer supports all chars now (not upto $79 only)
  • DOpus_Icon: supports OS3.5 icons. NewIcons still do not work :(
  • DOpus_Icon: True localization
  • DOpus_Icon: Key shortcuts obey localization
  • dopus.library: case conversion is done by locale.library now
  • dopus.library: fixed wrong drive name (second char was trashed)

Directory Opus 4.14
(Public Release)
  • 68060 and RTG system support for Version requester.
  • additional keystrokes in file viewer (Pavel Cicek):
    • Space - PageDown (doesn't activate scroll mode anymore!)
    • BackSpace - PageUp, / - Search requester
  • 'Sort by' popup menu added (requires popupmenu.library). Press RMB over diskname bar to display it.
  • standard version string for main program.
  • allows CGX/P96 custom screens (still 16-color limit).
  • icon filename creation changed to the same as used by AmigaDOS
  • removed 30 chars limit for ADDICON function (I wonder how many such limits still hide somewhere in the sources...)
  • added screennotify.library support (if available) so DOpus doesn't block WB screenmode changes anymore
  • CHIP RAM problems finally solved! It was so simple...
  • removed possible race condition which could cause a freeze after processing files when progress window was opened. But I don't relly think it helps ;-)
  • ConfigOpus: Increased maximum displayed file name characters to 64.
  • ConfigOpus: Fixed bug in filetype editing hex view.
  • ConfigOpus: Fixed bug in screenmode selection for ConfigOpus. Sometimes it preferred PAL over CGX

Directory Opus 4.13
(Public Release)
  • long filename support (upto 107 characters)
  • fixed stack problem when started from CLI.
  • ConfiOpus: If config window cannot be opened on WB due to insufficient number of free pens it tries to find best screenmode using BestModeID() under OS3.0+. No more annoying PAL screenmode.
  • ConfigOpus: screenmode filter allows CGX/P96 modes now (still upto 16 colors).
  • DOpus.library: CHIP RAM bug removed. No more trashed graphic on native displays.
  • requires OS 3.0+ to run

Directory Opus 4.12
(Public Release)
  • recompiled with GCC 2.95.2 and PhxAss 4.39
  • optimized for 68020 CPU
  • directly uses memory pools in KickStart 3.0+.
  • speeded-up file copying with progress indicator enabled (almost as fast as in DOpus Magellan!)
  • added up-to-date asyncIO routines (from aminet:dev/c/asyncio.lha)
  • doesn't hang-up during copying/moving files anymore (probably due to new asyncIO routines).
Latest beta versions


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